Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hiroshi Project - Post 4: Finished Product

Finished Product:

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Detail Shots:

I began the final piece by photographing a female body in a variety of positions. I then edited the images by generalizing them and separating them from the background. Once I had the simplified female body images, I created a collage in photoshop and printed it on matte paper. I mapped out the landscape design on a piece of poster board, pasted the collaged image to it, then cut out the shape of the landscape. After that was complete, I began adding pins to the board in order to create shape for the yarn I would be attaching, but they also functioned as a way to attach the landscape to the background. I wove the yarn around the pins in order to create shapes, add detail, and create the sense of shadows on the landscape. I would like to go back and rework a few issues that I faced in the creation of this project, but ran out of time to solve as adequately as I would have liked.

*Side Note: Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to post my more adequate product shots as well as my process images. As soon as I am able to get obtain a working card reader, these images will be updated/added.

-Stay Positive My Friends-

1 comment:

  1. You might want to check out Shaun Kardinal's work: http://shaunkardinal.com/
