Monday, April 1, 2013

Pipeline Project: Post 5

Oh my goodness! The past week has been extremely stressful. We have gotten to the point in this project where everyone is really exposing themselves for how much they truly care about the final product.

Lately I have been reviewing everyone's progress through this entire project and how much work they have contributed. I then discussed this with Richard in order to get his point of view on it as well. At this point in the process my newest task is deciding how well everyone did individually, and luckily I feel like the right person for this job. I am unbiased and do not expect people to do the impossible, but I do expect them to pull their weight and keep communication lines open. Some people were able to work with this expectations without any trouble, others seemed as if they would rather be anywhere then helping with the project.

Other than that, this job has proven to be a HUGE learning experience. It was SO much more involved than I realize it would be. I did my absolutely best in sending out multiple obsessively detailed e-mails each week, talking to people personally about what they needed to be doing, keeping all of the details organized to the best of my ability, along with all of the other odd jobs and overseeing everything. I found a lot of my time was also spent problem solving and making things happen for people. If someone was having an issue and let me know, I would make sure it got solved. I stressed every time I talked to everyone or sent out an e-mail that is anyone had absolutely anything they had questions about or anything to please contact me.

At this point, I am trusting other members from the team to carry us into tomorrow's viewing of the final product. I have done all that I can do and I honestly do believe that we will have a video tomorrow that we are proud of as well as a documentary of the process that we are also proud of! Like I said, this whole process was a HUGE learning experience, and I can definitely say I am still not a fan of group projects, especially in this case where the majority of people had to step outside their comfort zones and learn about new things in a short amount of time in order to contribute. This proved to be a very difficult task, but I am really proud of everyone who stepped up to the plate and tried there best. Wish us luck for tomorrow!

- Stay Positive My Friends - 

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